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Acts Song #17 - Cornelius. (tune: The Student's Song)
From that time on, many Gentiles believed in the Lord.

1. In Cesarea was godly man,
A praying commander, an Italian;
An angel came and said, "Cornelius!
Your prayers and alms have risen up to God.
Now send for one named Simon Peter." That's the plan.

2. When Peter came from Joppa with the men,
There was Cornelius, waiting with his friends.
"Please tell us, Peter, all about the Lord!"
Then Peter finally could comprehend:
The gospel isn't just for Jews, to Gentiles it extends!

3. He told them all that Jesus is the Christ;
They heard, believed, received and were baptized.
The gospel of peace he fully showed to them,
And all the brothers, marv'ling realized:
The Gentiles also had repented unto life!