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David Song 25 - Let's Honor with Manners
(Romans 12:10) *=clap

1. Let's honor with manners,
Let's honor each other today!
Its "Yes, sir," and "No, sir!"
And "Yes, ma'am," and "No, ma'am!"
And * "Before we eat - let's pray."
"How do you do sir?" "So glad to meet you!"
Open the door and let her through.
Oh, let's honor with manners —
Let's honor each other today!

2. Let's honor with manners,
Let's honor each other today!
We're vying in showing politeness & kindness
Pre * ferring each other this way.
So we say, "Please pass the potatoes,"
And keep our elbows off the table!
Oh, let's honor with manners,
Let's honor each other TODAY!

(Can be sung to: Yes, We Have No Bananas)